
Born in the vibrant city of Chicago and raised in sun-kissed San Diego, I embarked on an unconventional path from an early age. Graduating high school as early as possible, I delved into entrepreneurship, exploring the realms of the retail and salon industries. This journey ignited my passion for marketing, personal finance, and real estate, leading me to pursue a multifaceted degree at the University of San Diego along with my my real estate license. For the past 18 years, I've thrived as a realtor and real estate investor, flipping homes and navigating the industry initially as a solo agent and now a team leader. Along my journey, I've embraced the fulfilling role of a productivity coach, empowering aspiring agents to launch successful careers. Now, as the Assistant Team Leader at Keller Williams La Jolla, I'm dedicated to guiding others on their journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and unparalleled success.

Upcoming Events

Event Name City Start Date
Maximize Your Potential La Jolla, CA 10/16/2024 Register or Sponsor
Quantum Leap La Jolla, CA 08/07/2024 Register or Sponsor