
Growing up in central New Hampshire as a second child where my sister was 6 years older than me shaped me in many ways that I would have subconsciously never known until recently. My background in serving and helping others has always been at the forefront of my family system, one in which I would fully embrace even today as a real estate agent. personally I have been able to build programs, systems, and models through my career to give people the space to understand who they are and helping them fulfill many dreams! I have been able to serve the community live in through both tangible, spiritual, and emotional ways in my life.

My pursuit of my mission statement comes out of my guiding values of Impact, Financial Abundance, Transformation, opportunities, and collaboration! I have come from a place of understanding my worth and now I love to assist others in discovering their life and their dreams!   Through enjoying life with my amazing wife of 27 years, two adult children and a son-in-law I love to spend time outdoors through walks, fishing, and connecting to nature! I have been able to reinvent my life through my years and look to assist others do discover their worth and values that they have to contribute to their world!