...I have always been a bright student, and over achiever. When in grade school I was top of the class, in 3rd Grade I came in 2nd place for the county Math Bee. I tested into a gift and talented middle school in Brooklyn, NY and was able to complete all of my high school math in middle school. At age 13 I dropped out of school due to the poverty and the circumstances I was living in. No high school or college for me. I had no vision of the world and always felt lost in my life, but always yearned to help others. My first job was at 12 yrs old in a factory making dolls, and I worked different jobs. At 19 I tested for my G.E.D and passed, at 22 yrs old I was hired by the Post Office until I moved to Florida in 2007. I was hired by Sprint and became a Retention Specialist but I was never happy and felt stuck. One day in 2012 I decided to get my Real Estate license not knowing what I would do with it. I got my license in February 2013. I almost quit my first year. I felt lost and almost thought it was too much for me until I was introduced to Keller Williams in 2014. KW has changed my life, within the 1st year I learned more than ever, and felt for the first time in life empowered. I felt like I had a purpose. The process & steps of QL have brought clarity, and goals in my life. It has made me see my life in a different manner, it has made me feel worthy & taught me how to live a purposeful life. I wish I had QL growing up, I would've probably taken over the world... If I can help one child see the beauty and bigger picture of the world it would be amazing... QL: A World Changer Mindset, is a grand honor for me to be a part of. So hi !! I am Jackie Millan and this is my story..