
Loredana immigrated from Romania in 2014 and became a proud American citizen through naturalization in 2019. She joined Keller Williams North Atlanta also known as KW North Fulton as an agent in 2015 and shortly after, was presented the opportunity to join the leadership team where she played different roles. Loredana had the opportunity to work alongside amazing leaders and together managed to grow the Market Center from 150 agents to 715 agents.

Being in different roles on the leadership team helped her gain perspective on the how to’s of each role and and the right WHOs needed for a successful and effective MREA MC team. 

As the Team Leader of Keller Williams North Atlanta, Loredana has led the Market Center on the path to become a Millionaire Real Estate Market Center and under her leadership, the Market center grew from 400 agents to over 700 agents and over 1.1MIL in Profit Share and Owner Profit for the last four years in a row. Under Loredana’s leadership KWNA has become #1 Market Center in profitability in the entire world in 2023.

Loredana’s international business experience and unique perspective has helped her learn how to succeed through others.

Loredana plays several different roles within the KW world as well as the business world and absolutely loves what she does!

MAPS Coach: As a MAPS coach Loredana has the opportunity to bring a unique perspective to the conversation and impact the lives and careers of other Leaders in our Company. In partnership with her coaching clients, Loredana has the opportunity to look at the insights in different markets, successes and challenges and with that perspective to create foresight that helps many leaders make decisions based on facts. As a Maps Coach Loredana has held over 1500 coaching calls with leaders in the industry

General Manager for Georgia Legacy Group - Leading four Market Centers part of Grorgia Legacy Group with over 2000 agents.

Team Leader: Black belt Team Leader for 4 years in a row. In her role Loredana has held more than 4,000 recruiting appointments and hired over 1200 agents to KW. Using the MREA systems and models in coaching and consulting agents, Loredana has helped create 10 MREA teams in four years. Loredana led KW North Atlanta to becoming the #1 MC in the world in profitability and profit shared in 2023. One of the things Loredana is most proud of is the executive leadership team she has built and all the people she brought together to work as ONE TEAM, who has become one of the most efficient executive leadership teams within KW

KWW: Originally from Romania, Loredana is passionate about impacting the real estate industry in Romania and all over the world. Loredana has the opportunity to hold masterminds and training events for Top agents in Romania and other regions in KWW.

Real Estate Investor: Real estate has been in Loredana’s world her entire life. She started investing in real estate when she was 22 and currently an MREI with a portfolio of 15 investment properties residential and commercial here in the United States as well as in Romania. 

International Business experience: Before moving to the US, Loredana and her husband owned a group of 12 franchised “Orange Stores” in the telecommunication industry in Romania with 50+ employees and over $1MIL in annual revenue. When Loredana moved to the US, she and her husband Mircea created an exit plan and sold the business for a profit. Loredana and her husband Mircea also owned several other businesses in Romania in the real estate industry and the car industry and currently active Real Estate Investors as well as partners in several businesses in Romania.